E-commerce Shopify website for clothing brand

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About project

About project

The task was to create a Shopify website based on a ready-made design provided by the client. Previously, the brand had a WordPress site that was unstable, and therefore it was necessary to correctly transfer all data, products, and url from it in order not to lose positions in search results. The site was thoroughly developed with the following functionality: multilingual and multicurrency, product filtering by flexible parameters, convenient and functional product card, the ability to quickly order, flexible payment and delivery, depending on the region in which the user is located. All project tasks were successfully completed, the site is up and running and brings results to the customer.


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Customer review



We are very pleased with the cooperation with Anna. Professional work, deadlines were met, everything was clearly in accordance with the TOR. High-quality consultations of employees who will have to work with the site's functionality in the future. We made a turnkey website for a shopify. We are very pleased with the result (Translated from Ukrainian)

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+380 99 018 12 47

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+380 66 607 78 73




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