Website for a Poland restaurant «Zdrowa Krowa»

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About project

About project

The customer approached with the task of web development and installation on the WordPress site for the Polish restaurant "Zdrowa Krowa", and provided the ready-made design. In agreement with the customer, we divided the project into 2 stages. In the first stage, we developed the site using HTML/CSS, introduced animation, and made a responsive website for mobile and tablet devices. In the second stage, we integrated the website with the WordPress system, set up the admin panel and the ability to edit the site content, implemented the order module, and set up sending requests from feedback forms. In the end, we did a basic SEO site setup, optimized images, and headlines, and prepared robots.txt and sitemap files so that search robots would correctly index the site in the future. The project is completed, and the customer is satisfied with the result.


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Days it took to work on this project

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Customer review



Excellent cooperation. All wishes and corrections were taken into account, always in touch, the work was done within the stipulated time. Thank you for your cooperation. I will be happy to come back with new projects. (Translated from Russian)

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+380 99 018 12 47

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+380 66 607 78 73




+380 99 018 12 47

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