Multi-page website for Canadian sound studio «Troublemakers»

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About project

About project

The main function of the site is to tell about the company's activities and attract organizers of major events for cooperation. The goals of the project have been fulfilled, on the site you can get acquainted with the work of the company in detail, filter projects in the desired direction, as well as ask questions to employees and quickly contact them. At the end of the work, we prepared for the client instruction, how to add / change content on the site, as well as for another 3 months after the completion of the work, we consulted the client and helped in filling the site with projects and their translation.


An approximate cost of a similar project


Days it took to work on this project

Doublekit About Background
Doublekit Single Image
Doublekit Contacts Background

Contact us




Main phone number:

+380 99 018 12 47

Secondary phone number:

+380 66 607 78 73




+380 99 018 12 47

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