How to grow business profit using a website design

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Entrepreneurs have a stereotype that a website is a page on the Internet with a story about a company; a certain sign of image and status. But not everyone knows that much more can be squeezed out of the site.

A well-designed website makes the company stand out from its competitors. And preliminary research of the target audience will help to convey to users exactly what will push them to buy.

How can you achieve this?

Before creating a website, it is imperative to conduct a complete analysis of the niche:

  • Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company.
  • Compare with competitors.
  • Highlight the strengths and weaknesses of competitors.
  • Find out everything about potential buyers: what worries them and what makes them happy, what they dream about and what they strive for.
  • Think about how it can be used on the site.

Let’s dwell on the target audience in more detail

As I said, you need to find out everything about a potential buyer: how old is he, how he lives, what he dreams of, what is he afraid of. This is the only way to interest the buyer.

To make it easier to understand the idea, consider an example.

Let’s imagine that we need to develop a website for a dance school. We analyze the audience and find out that our target audience is insecure girls 21-25 years old who would like to learn to dance. Then we find out that their ultimate goal is not the dancing process itself, but the desire to become self-confident. If you dig even deeper, you can find out what the hidden desire of these girls is to meet their love. That is, dancing is just a means. And this is important to consider.

Further, we understand that we should not tell on the site about the history of dance, not overload with dance terminology. It will be better to convey the information in such a way that the girl understands that by doing dancing in this particular studio, she will gain confidence. To do this, you can tell what the girl will receive after the course of classes (she will gain self-confidence, feel free on the dance floor, attract men).We can also show what other students of the school have learned, who took the course, and what everyone can learn. There are still a lot of options, but most importantly, we understand that we need to move in the direction of self-confidence, and not talk about dance styles, for example. Another type of audience will delve into the styles of dancing, our potential girls, whose portrait we have compiled, will not be interested in this information.

Even if a potential buyer does not buy from us right away, he will think about buying, because everything that is said on the site is “about him”. And this means that with a high probability the same customer will return to us when he considers it necessary to sign up for a dance or advise our school to her friends.


We hope you understand the value of research for profit in business.

This is how we work with the target audience in marketing, and in particular, we adhere to the same approach in developing websites. The main thing is not beautiful pictures or bright animation. The site must sell. Otherwise, it is wasted customer money and specialist time.

Thanks to this approach, after completing work on the site, you can immediately start promoting it. Moreover, you can spend 20% less on your advertising budget than your competitors spend. After all, your resource will be addressed to a certain group of clients who, studying the site, will recognize themselves.

If you would like to discuss the development of a project with us, write to one of the contacts presented on the site, or fill out the feedback form, and we will contact you ourselves. During personal communication, we will be able to answer all your questions, dispel doubts and ambiguities.

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