If you have ordered the services of digital specialists at least once, you are probably already familiar with the brief. Every self-respecting freelancer or studio will invite you to fill out a brief before creating a website, maintaining social networks, marketing services, developing a personal brand, etc.
Today we will analyze what a brief is, why you need it, how to fill it out correctly, and what to do if there are no answers to all the questions.
A brief is a document that collects topical questions about the project that require answers from the customer, and on which the specialist relies in his future work.
As you can see, all questions in one way or another relate to the activities of the client’s company, as well as his personal preferences, which will be taken into account when working.
The brief must be filled out so that the specialist has a general understanding of the project and its nuances.
If you start work without a brief, there is a risk that the specialist will misunderstand the tasks of the project, will not take into account the subtleties that are important in a particular case. And this is fraught with improvements and a large amount of time spent in the future, both on your part and on the part of the performer.
For clarity, we will give the following example. Let’s imagine that you provide age-related cosmetic services and target the 45+ audience segment. You have a website that is tailored for this audience. But, for example, a specialist in advertising creation does not know this, because he does not fully understand the specifics of cosmetic services. Consequently, he analyzed the niche, made his own conclusions and decided that your services are for another segment, and tuned advertising to an audience of 18-45 years old. As a result, the wrong clients come to you, you drain the advertising budget, the contractor does not understand what is the matter. And all because of ignorance and insufficient discussion of the project at the beginning.
Remember: no one understands your topic better than you. Therefore, first of all, it is in your interests to provide the specialist with as much information as possible in order to get the desired result.
As a rule, the brief is filled out in text format before working on the project. The contractor sends a list of questions in Microsoft Word or Google Docs format of the document, to which the customer answers and sends the brief back.
We also offer our customers to fill out a brief in a call-interview format. There we ask all the necessary questions by voice, get answers to them, and then transcribe them into text, and send them to the customer for approval.
There are several options here.
If you have already chosen a specific performer and want to cooperate with him, you can request a sample brief from him, fill out and send it.
If you have not yet decided on the performer and want to communicate with several candidates, we recommend downloading a sample brief for the service you need on the Internet, filling it out on your own, and coming to the performers with ready-made information. This way you will save time for yourself by not telling several candidates the same thing, and for the performer who will already have the necessary answers.
If you cannot answer any of the questions of the brief, do not worry, there is nothing wrong with that. You can ask your specialist for help. He will help you find the answer you need, ask leading questions or offer several options to choose from, so that it is easier for you to choose the option you want.
Here’s an article about the brief we got. As a bonus, we attach our sample brief for creating a turnkey website.
If you need a website, you can fill out this brief and send it to us at any of the contacts indicated on the website. We will be happy to advise on your project completely free of charge.
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